####################################################### ## ## ## _____ _ _____ _____ _____ _ ## ## | | |___ ___ ___ ___| | | __ | |_| | ## ## | | | | _| -_| .'| |- -| -| --| . | ## ## |_____|_|_|_| |___|__,|_|_____|__|__|_____|___| ## ## 5.2.1 ## ## UnrealIRCd.conf by DeviL ## ## irc.sisrv.net - support@sisrv.net ## ## ## ## Build on 10.07.2021 ## ####################################################### /* See: https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Modules * Now let's include some other files as well: */ include "aliases/anope.conf"; include "help/help.conf"; include "spamfilter.conf"; include "badwords.conf"; include "staff.conf"; /* If there is any file missing, download it via your client portal https://clients.sisrv.net/download */ include "modules.default.conf"; include "modules.optional.conf"; include "operclass.default.conf"; me { name irc.sisrv.net; info "- SiSrv Support IRCd Server"; sid 001; }; admin { "Server: irc.sisrv.net"; "E-Mail: support@sisrv.net"; }; /* Clients and servers are put in class { } blocks, we define them here. * Class blocks consist of the following items: * - pingfreq: how often to ping a user / server (in seconds) * - connfreq: how often we try to connect to this server (in seconds) * - sendq: the maximum queue size for a connection * - recvq: maximum receive queue from a connection (flood control) */ /* Client class with good defaults */ class clients { pingfreq 300; maxclients 1000; sendq 999999; recvq 9999; }; /* Special class for IRCOps with higher limits */ class opers { pingfreq 600; maxclients 500; sendq 1M; recvq 8000; }; /* Server class with good defaults */ class servers { pingfreq 90; connfreq 25; /* try to connect every 25 seconds */ maxclients 20; /* max servers */ sendq 5M; }; /* Allow everyone in, but only 5 connections per IP */ allow { mask *@*; class clients; maxperip 5; }; /* Deny channel block */ deny channel { channel "#*cc*"; reason "CC channels are forbidden in this network!"; redirect "#SiSrv"; warn on; }; deny channel { channel "#operhelp"; reason "Our network help channel is #SiSrv our main channel"; redirect "#Help"; }; deny channel { channel "#*sex*"; reason "Sex channels are forbidden in this network!"; warn on; }; /* Oper blocks define your IRC Operators. */ oper DeviL { mask *@*; password "$argon2id$v=19$m=8192,t=3,p=2$86M+flkuHHzLTua1d1AyNA$Wvr52Y+PS5XUeUvN9fFDKEhBREmTHbmgK0NUnnUL9As" { argon2; }; class opers; operclass netadmin-with-override; maxlogins 5; swhois "is SiSrv staff"; vhost staff.sisrv.net; }; /* Blacklist Config. */ blacklist dronebl { dns { name dnsbl.dronebl.org; type record; reply { 2; 3; 5; 6; 7; 8l 9; 10; 13; 14; 15; 17; 255; }; }; action gzline; ban-time 1h; reason "An open proxy was detected on your IP: $ip - DroneBL"; }; blacklist efnetrbl { dns { name rbl.efnetrbl.org; type record; reply { 1; 5; }; }; action gzline; ban-time 1h; reason "An open proxy was detected on your IP: $ip - EfNETrbl"; }; blacklist proxybl { dns { name dnsbl.proxybl.org; type record; reply { 2; }; }; action gzline; ban-time 1h; reason "An open proxy was detected on your IP: $ip - ProxyBL"; }; /* Standard IRC port 6667 */ listen { ip; port 6667-6669; }; listen { ip; port 6900; options { tls; serversonly; }; }; listen { ip; port 7000; options { serversonly; }; }; /* Standard IRC SSL/TLS port 6679 */ listen { ip; port 6697; options { tls; clientsonly; }; }; /* * Link blocks allow you to link multiple servers together to form a network. * See https://www.unrealircd.org/docs/Tutorial:_Linking_servers */ link services.sisrv.net { incoming { mask *@; }; password = "00:11:22:23:44:DD:EE:FF:55:66:77:88:99:AA:BB:CC"; class servers; }; link irc1.sisrv.net { incoming { mask *; }; outgoing { bind-ip *; hostname irc1.sisrv.net-IP; port 6900; options { tls; autoconnect; }; tls-options { protocols "TLSv1.3"; }; }; /* We use the SPKI fingerprint of the other server for authentication. * Run './unrealircd spkifp' on the other side to get it. */ password "8Dwqpd1SNl3rAZ1bVevG3D7LBGagdOZFgTgU8VdkI5o=" { spkifp; }; hub *; class servers; }; /* U-lines give other servers (even) more power/commands. */ ulines { services.sisrv.net; }; /* Here you can add a password for the IRCOp-only /DIE and /RESTART commands. */ drpass { restart "RestartBaby"; die "DieBigMama"; }; tld { mask *@*; motd ircd.motd; rules ircd.rules; opermotd oper.motd; }; /* The log block defines what should be logged and to what file. */ /* This is a good default, it logs almost everything */ log "ircd.log" { flags { oper; server-connects; kills; errors; sadmin-commands; chg-commands; oper-override; tkl; spamfilter; }; maxsize 10M; }; log users.log { flags { connects; }; maxsize 10M; }; /* With deny dcc blocks you can ban filenames for DCC */ deny dcc { filename "*sub7*"; reason "Possible Sub7 Virus"; }; /* deny channel allows you to ban a channel (mask) entirely */ deny channel { channel "*sex*"; reason "sex* is illegal"; class "clients"; }; /* Network configuration */ set { network-name "SiSrv"; default-server "irc.sisrv.net"; services-server "services.sisrv.net"; sasl-server "services.sisrv.net"; help-channel "#Help"; hiddenhost-prefix "SiSrv"; prefix-quit "sisrv.net"; cloak-keys { "547tqhchF8bEh2XXj6Ef7437vyFYW4A8M2wx643viEw1HUITshM1y747l5"; "aB1Mp4YRv1VQ7y218yt2cW233VhO612d048VYWV8b280TiF5V8tDSNUbU1"; "Dw1uAIo7D6V6a2dOVkBQ8gl5gMeKj74nbL806J125w05H37OfK0G"; }; }; /* Server specific configuration */ set { kline-address "support@sisrv.net"; modes-on-connect "+icxvw"; auto-join "#SiSrv"; oper-auto-join "#SiSrv,#Staff"; modes-on-join "+ntVCTGf [3j#i1,7m#M1,2n#N1,6t#b]:2"; modes-on-oper "+WxwgIspq"; restrict-usermodes "icvwx"; snomask-on-oper "+cFfkejvGnNqsSo"; topic-setter nick-user-host; ban-setter nick-user-host; who-limit 3; nick-length 15; topic-length 340; /* maximum: 360 */ away-length 250; /* maximum: 360 */ quit-length 300; /* maximum: 395 */ options { hide-ulines; flat-map; allow-part-if-shunned; fail-oper-warn; show-opermotd; }; maxchannelsperuser 10; /* maximum number of channels a user may /JOIN */ /* The minimum time a user must be connected before being allowed to * use a QUIT message. This will hopefully help stop spam. */ anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s; static-part "Leaving..."; static-quit "sisrv.net"; /* Which /STATS to restrict to opers only. We suggest to leave it to * (ALL) */ allow-user-stats "*"; /* Unreal 5.0.x settings */ check-target-nick-bans "yes"; ping-cookie "yes"; watch-away-notification "yes"; hide-ban-reason "no"; /* Settings for spam filter */ spamfilter { ban-time 3h; ban-reason "Spamming is not allowed in this network!"; virus-help-channel "#help"; except "#help,#Staff"; }; }; set { restrict-commands { list { connect-delay 30; exempt-identified yes; exempt-reputation-score 50; } invite { connect-delay 120; } private-message { connect-delay 10; } links { } module { } map { } } } set { history { channel { /* How many lines to playback on join? */ playback-on-join { lines 15; time 1d; } /* How much history to keep. These are the * upper maximums for channel mode +H lines:time */ max-storage-per-channel { /* +r channels have larger maximums: */ registered { lines 50; time 5d; } /* -r channels have less: */ unregistered { lines 20; time 5d; } } } } } set { anti-flood { /* These limits apply to all users, * Only these 4 settings belong here (and only here): */ everyone { connect-flood 3:60; handshake-data-flood { amount 4k; ban-action zline; ban-time 5m; } target-flood { channel-privmsg 45:5; channel-notice 15:5; channel-tagmsg 15:5; private-privmsg 30:5; private-notice 10:5; private-tagmsg 10:5; } } /* These are the "known users" who (if you use default * security group settings) are: registered users * who are identified to services, OR have been connected * to UnrealIRCd for longer than 2 hours. */ known-users { nick-flood 3:60; join-flood 3:90; away-flood 4:120; invite-flood 4:60; knock-flood 4:120; max-concurrent-conversations { users 10; new-user-every 15s; } /* The following 2 items are new as of UnrealIRCd 5.2.1: */ /* lag-penalty 750; */ /* lag-penalty-bytes 180; */ } /* Everyone who is not in the known-users group. * These users have lower limits: */ unknown-users { nick-flood 2:60; join-flood 2:90; away-flood 4:120; invite-flood 2:60; knock-flood 2:120; max-concurrent-conversations { users 4; new-user-every 15s; } /* The following 2 items are new as of UnrealIRCd 5.2.1: */ /* lag-penalty 1000; */ /* lag-penalty-bytes 90; */ } } } set { plaintext-policy { user warn; /* must be one of: allow, warn, deny */ oper deny; /* must be one of: allow, warn, deny */ server deny; /* must be one of: allow, warn, deny */ user-message "Insecure connection. Please reconnect using SSL/TLS on port +6697"; }; }; /********************************** /* Except ban and throttle block *********************************/ except ban { mask *@; mask *@; /* your static IP here */ type all; }; except throttle { mask *@; }; /****************************************************** * KiwiIRCD config : * Create your widget here: https://kiwiirc.com/login *****************************************************/ except ban { mask; }; except ban { mask; }; except ban { mask; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; except throttle { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; /************************************************************* * Mibbit config : * Create your widget: https://widgetmanager.mibbit.com/ * Setup webirc: https://wiki.mibbit.com/index.php/Setup_webirc * Add your network: https://search.mibbit.com/add_network.php ************************************************************/ webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; webirc { mask; password "yourpasswd"; }; except ban { mask; }; except ban { mask; }; except ban { mask; }; except ban { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; except throttle { mask; }; /* * Unrealircd.conf by DeviL (support@sisrv.net). * For any help visit https://www.SiSrv.Net * or join #SiSrv @ irc.sisrv.net */