How to reset ZNC password from SSH
November 8, 2017
To reset your ZNC password from SSH –
[~] # znc –makepass
[ ** ] Type your new password.
[ ?? ] Enter Password:
[ ?? ] Confirm Password:
[ ** ] Kill ZNC process, if it's running. (znc-kill)
[ ** ] Then replace (nano .znc/configs/znc.conf) password in the <User> section of your config with this:
<Pass password>
Method = sha256
Hash = 269dd6188ef05333fa63c2cbbae23b402476b382e51614830217e32cb870f9c6
Salt = VskeISWUal6ilFU?PgaY
[ ** ] After that start ZNC again, and you should be able to login with the new password.