How to install UnrealIRCd 4 Modules

July 18, 2016

In UnrealIRCd 4 you should place the .c file in your src/modules/third/ directory of the UnrealIRCd source directory. cp somemodule.c /home/irc/unrealircd-4.x/src/modules/third Then from your UnrealIRCd source directory you just...

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How to install flashpolicyd

wget unzip cd flashpolicyd wget –no-check-certificate -O flashpolicyd.rb chmod a+x flashpolicyd.rb whereis ruby ruby: /usr/local/bin/ruby /usr/local/man/man1/ruby.1.gz edit flashpolicyd.rb (change the first line to /usr/local/bin/ruby) edit check_flashpolicyd.rb...

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How To Install ShoutCast

SHOUTcast is a complete suite of products to power internet radio stations into the future. Whether you are an existing station and want to upgrade to the SHOUTcast Streaming...

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How to Install BOPM

Blitzed Open Proxy Monitor (BOPM) is a proxy monitor that scans all incoming connections to a server (or network depending on configuration). When a client connects BOPM scans the...

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